Management Team

Grant Ashlee

Mr. Ashlee is a University of Alberta graduate with Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Bachelor of Education. Mr. Ashlee has over 25 years of experience teaching Math and Calculus in a classroom and over ten years of experience teaching online. His passion for technology leads him to start developing online courses when online learning was in its infancy. He is a co-developer of our ever popular online math courses.

Brad McArthur

VP of Sales and Marketing
Mr. McArthur holds a Bachelor of Science from Boise State University and a Master of Science from Washington State University. Mr. MacArthur has over 33 years of public teaching experience with more than seven decades of those years in a distributed learning school. Mr. McArthur brings a wealth of knowledge that has helped us in shaping the success of Content Connections as a leading content provider. Mr. McArthur also co-developed our ever popular Mathematics courses.

Harjit Deol

VP of Innovation & Strategic Planning
Mr. Deol has a Bachelor of Science from Simon Fraser University, Bachelor of Education from the University of British Columbia and a Master of Education in Education in Technology from the University of Calgary. Mr. Deol has over 22 years of teaching experience and has taught online for more than ten years. Mr. Deol brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in course design and customized technology solutions. He is heads of our proprietary technology development and strategic planning division.